
Tuesday 16 March 2010



1. What is the title of the book and who is the author? What type of book is it? Who are the main characters?
This book is called ‘Far from the madding crowd’ which was written by ‘Thomas hardy’
The main characters is Bathcheba Everdene, Gabriel Oak, William Boldwood and Frank Troy.
2. What does the story take place? What time period is it set in? What is the book about?
This story took place in the Weatherbury and it was set in about 19Century.
There was a girl who is called Bathcheba Everdene. She own her farm and she managed it.
She preferred managing her farm by herself. She had an independent spirit and clever. So lots of men wanted to marry her.
There was three men who wanted marry her.
Gabriel was shepherd, and he wanted to manage his own farm. But while he fell a sleep, he lost his sheep by his untrained dog. After he lost everything he left his place and came to Casterbridge. When he arrived Casterbridge, fire had been taken place. He catch the fire by chance. But it was Bathcheba’s own Bathcheba employed him as a her worker. But he still loved her.
William was owner of a large farm he also loved Bathcheba and proposed to her.
But she marry Frank who was soldier in Weatherbury. And they escaped to Bath. But she realised he loved another girl and Frank suffered some accident nearby sea. So everyone belived that he was dead.
After he died William proposed to her. And they got married. But Frank was still survived. So William killed him.
Finally, she was fascinated at Gabriel. She wanted to marry him.
3. Do you like the ending?
Yes, I like the ending. But it must happened early.
Before they got married, lots of things were happened.
4. If you could, how would you change the book/ending?
If I could change the book, I want to change the point of view
If I change the point of view to Gabriel’s view I might be fun. Because he suffered lots of things and he endured so long time to make a wife.
5. What was the best/ worst thing about the story?
The worst thing was her choice. Because of her choice lots of people were sacrificed.
The best thing was her last choice. She have to decide as soon as possible .
6. Who was your favourite character? Why
Even if I hate her choice my favourite character was Bathcheba. Because she had an strong independent spirit. And actually I envied her a freewheeling lifestyle.
7. How long did it take you to read it?
About 3 weeks. Sorry laura.!
8.Would you recommend this book? Why ? Why not?
I’d like to recommend this book. Because we could realise what real happiness of marriage was
9. New words to remember.
Vain, confessed, dull, maltster, barn, contradict, encouraged, cliff,

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